Open to Public:
Tuesdays & Thursdays 11am-3pm
(515) 962-5017
C3 stands for Calm Circuit Connection. Our world can be a tough place to navigate with the different stressors in our lives.
It is critical that our community have the tools to communicate effectively with each other during emotionally driven conversations. C3 is understanding how each of our individual brains “floods” with Adrenaline and how our responses to situations can calm or explode a response.
C3 targets the adrenaline that disrupts brain connections and fuels aggression. C3 techniques help angry or distraught people calm down, gain control over themselves, and become safer and easier to work with.
WeLIFT has staff that are trained and Certified Instructors in C3 De-escalation and uses this training to help others understand the importance of managing emotions to produce better reactions and behaviors in emotionally charged situations.
WeLIFT goes into organizations and offers this training. WeLIFT has had the honor of administering C3 training to UnitedWay of Central Iowa’s non-profit funded partners, Chrysalis Woman’s Alliance Group, Evelyn Davis Center Employees, and number of other businesses. To sign up your business, organization, school staff etc for The C3 Certification, please contact Sue Wilson www.weliftdirector2006@gmail.com">www.weliftdirector2006@gmail.com
For more information visit Why C3? – C3 De-escalation®