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United Way

United Way of Central Iowa (UWCI) is the reason WeLIFT Job Search Center can function as a high-power non-profit organization for South Central Iowa with a strategic plan to keep us moving in the correct direction. WeLIFT is funded through UWCI under their United to Thrive program that focuses on Economic Success and Education Opportunity. UWCI believes strongly in the importance of funding nonprofit's infrastructure, so non-profits like WeLIFT can focus efforts on their annual campaigns to fund programs that give directly back to the communities we serve. 


UWCI has been WeLIFT's largest funded partner for over a decade and has provided the staff at WeLIFT the opportunity to participate in a number of task forces and the Agency Director's Council. These different councils and task forces provide a space for our staff to educate United Way and their investors on Warren County services and challenges. 

WeLIFT staff participate on the following task forces:

Central Iowa Youth Employment Panel 

Central Iowa Food Insecurity Planning Committee

Central Iowa Re-Entry Task Force

Central Iowa Housing Task Force 


211 Information and Resources - UnitedWay of Central Iowa    

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Two of the United Way staff that helped run the Re-entry Simulation.

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United Way Representative and Senior Associate - Terie Taylor-Wolf in action attending our At-Risk Summer Youth Internship Grant Graduation.

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